Opening Hours:

Monday: 09:00am - 3:00pm

Tuesday: 09:00am - 3:00pm

Wednesday: 09:00am - 3:00pm

Thursday: 09:00am - 3:00pm

Friday: 09:00am - 3:00pm

Saturday: 9:00am - 13:00pm

Closed Bank Holidays.


High Definition Detail

Unit L11 Bromcliffe Business Park

Burton Road

Monk Bretton, Barnsley

S71 5RN.

Tel: 07950825896


  • 5 minute / 2mile drive from Barnsley town centre
  • 4 miles from M1
  • 1/2 mile from new Cudworth bypass direct linked to A1

Our Terms & Conditions can be found here:

Please note: these opening hours can change depending on public holidays and personal circumstances.